ELIRE Aero is on track to become one of the world's first manufacturers of
electric & hybrid aircraft with amphibious capabilities.
Certified, trusted, and ready to be used for regional air mobility.

ELIRE Aero is on track to begin manufacturing fleets of certified, publicly accepted, proven, safe, reliable electric & hybrid aircraft in 2025, ready for sale in 2026. Simultaneously the company is committed to further developing a hydrogen powered, fixed wing, certified aircraft and eventually eVTOL.

ELIRE Aero is well positioned to provide solutions for the world's zero emission aircraft demands, responding to a global challenge and lack of sustainable aircraft.
Over the next 5-15 years there is a demand to transition existing aircraft to electric for regional and urban applications and routes.
New technologies currently in development to serve this market will take significant time to certify for public transport.
The most advanced developments are not likely to achieve this for several years. Next sufficient flight test time must be accrued in operational conditions to establish 10-9 reliability.
This can take three years to establish for single engine operations. It is therefore unlikely that the new technologies will be addressing the identified market until 2030+.
ELIRE Aero have the solution for the next 10+ years.
We are currently witnessing the rise of a new regional transportation model. RAM (regional air mobility) is the transportation of passengers and goods by air over approximately 150 to 800 kilometers on five- to 50-passenger aircraft (or the equivalent size for cargo), primarily using smaller regional airports.
The RAM market is a potential multi-billion-dollar market in the making - according to McKinsey and Co. We at ELIRE expect 18,000 new or retrofitted RAM aircraft to be required by 2035.
The world may soon discover this revived form of air travel, which is more sustainable and capitalizes on underutilized infrastructure that we already have today. Re-energizing short-haul air travel will help increase equity for rural communities and stimulate economies beyond major metropolitan hubs.